Vapid, vain, shallow

Vapid, vain, shallow. That’s what they say about me. I couldn’t care less though. Honestly? They’re just jealous of my lifestyle. Never in three lifetimes could they afford what I have, plus I’m half their age.

A typical day in my life consists of me waking up (in my mansion in the Hills, of course), taking a shower and having my hair and makeup styled to perfection. If I wanted to, I could even go back to sleep in the beauty chair whilst my makeup artist and hair stylist give me my look for the day. In the meantime, my stylist hand picks an outfit for me whilst I post to my various social media accounts. Within a few minutes of posting a photo, I can guarantee you I’ll have a couple thousand likes. It feels great – all these strangers just absolutely adore me!

Once that’s done, usually I’ll post a few more photos and videos onto social media to show the fans how I look today. I’ll usually change my expression various times whilst snapping myself, just to show everybody how beautiful I really am. I mean, to think I used to be called the ugly one. Those photos will definitely show them, anyhow. And I’ll remind them every day.

Next stop is to my garage. Whichever car best matches my outfit is the one I’ll take out for the day. Sometimes I even come home to change outfits, then in turn choose a different car. I’ll usually post to social media whilst I’m driving, playing my music loud and singing along. What if I crash, you ask? It really doesn’t matter if I crash my $300,000 car. I have more than enough money to buy five new ones plus have a little change left over. I’d probably feel bad if I killed someone but there’s nothing that money can’t fix!

Everywhere I go, the paparazzi follow me. I usually pretend I don’t want them to take my photograph but of course I really do. What’s the point of getting all dressed up if nobody is going to see? Usually these photographs will end up on most of the popular gossip magazines and websites. It’s great for me, as it means people will be talking about me whether they want to slate me or not.

Sometimes my family and I go on fancy vacations. If we aren’t travelling too far, we will usually take a private jet. If not, we have the lesser option of going first class with the normal people. I much prefer the jet but I suppose when I fly on commercial passenger jets it makes me seem more down to earth. So I suppose it’s a win-win situation. Our vacations usually cost in the region of $50,000. We always stay in the fanciest places. Nothing less than the best will do for us.

I suppose some could say that I’m getting paid just to live my life. Whatever they want to call it, I love it and wouldn’t exchange it for anything. I’ve not even reached the third decade of my life and I can do anything I want to do. Money isn’t an issue round here.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m extremely happy and beyond satisfied with my vapid, vain and shallow life.

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